Day: September 15, 2015

Blackboard Enterprise Surveys support Institutional Learning

The Blackboard Enterprise Surveys tool is being used at GVSU for a wide variety of projects.  Most recently, this capability provided a solution for an initiative out of the Student Affairs Office and the Division of Inclusion and Equity.

As the semester began, all students, faculty, and staff were sent a survey as an educational opportunity to generate awareness about the programs and support institutional learning around the topic of discrimination and harassment, including information about Title IX: Sexual Violence, Academic Integrity, General Wellness, Alcohol and Drugs, and Financial Aid.  The purpose was to prompt students to critically think about these issues and to confront bias and false perceptions.  In short, the goal was to help students see themselves as part of the GVSU Laker Community and equip them with information to achieve both personal and academic success.

The survey included informational elements such as the video below, followed by 34 true and false questions designed to prompt critical thinking.  Each question response included feedback to students such as campus resources available as well as to offer recommendations based on the answer choice selected.

GVSU Community Learning Module highlights: You Have Rights and Responsibilities 0) You Help Create an Inclusive Campus 1) Be Mentally and Physically Well 2) Respect the Opinions of Others 3) Be an Active Bystander and 4) You are Responsible for Your Behavior

GVSU Community Learning Module video highlights: 1) You Have Rights and Responsibilities, 2) You Help Create an Inclusive Campus, 3) Be Mentally and Physically Well, 4) Respect the Opinions of Others, 5) Be an Active Bystander and 6) You are Responsible for Your Behavior

The Enterprise Survey Tool is part of the Blackboard Learning Core.  By leveraging this tool, more than 2900 faculty and staff, 6300 new students, and 18800 returning students were surveyed.  The response rate for new students was over 70% and 33% for returning students.

Over 10,500 students completed the entire learning module that included 34 questions on topics such as: Financial Literacy, Inclusion and Equity, Gender Based Violence, Alcohol/Drugs, and Academic Integrity

Key Features of Blackboard Enterprise Surveys:

  • Improvements in response rates
  • Feedback is collected anonymously
  • Automatic reminders
  • Integrated into Blackboard but can be used outside of the system for non-Blackboard users
  • Survey notifications prompt user response via course, email, and announcements