eLearning Team provides Faculty Support for Digital Teaching at GVSU

GVSU’s eLearning and Emerging Technologies team provides a wealth of opportunities for faculty in support of digital teaching at Grand Valley State University.

Here are a few key areas of support and highlights offered to faculty in the remainder of the Fall semester and in Winter 2021.

  1. Faculty Learning Community Meetings – Tuesday, November 17, 1 to 2pm and Thursday, November 19, 10:30 to 11:30am
    Featuring faculty members who will share experiences with synchronous tools such as Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Zoom, and Google Jamboard.
  2. eLearning Webinars 
    Over 40 sessions are available for the remainder of Fall and in Winter 2021. Featured sessions offered in November and December include leveraging Blackboard in teaching, using Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor for assessments and exams, and more.
  3. Blackboard Default Layout for Winter 2021
    The refreshed Blackboard layout is sorted into functional categories with dividers, along with new “Begin Here” and “Weekly Content” menu items. Sample content (which is hidden from students) is also included to offer effective practice suggestions along with an “Instructor Guide”.
  4. 10 Effective Practices for Digital Teaching
    This NEW web page provides 10 effective practices for quality online, hybrid, and digital teaching. Practical examples of teaching and course design practices are combined with tools and technologies that are targeted to support student success at GVSU.
10 Tips | Effective Practices

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