Technology Showcase Celebrates 5 Years of Emerging Technology at GVSU


On Friday, September 14, the eLearning and Emerging Technologies team in Information Technology, along with staff from the University Libraries celebrated the opening of the Atomic Object Technology Showcase 5 years ago.  The event provided an opportunity to reflect back, remember the past, and to celebrate achievements and success, while also allowing room to innovate and to pioneer the future together!

See also: 

Photo of an empty room with no chairs, tables, and white walls.The journey began on August 1, 2013 in a small empty room in the Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons.  This empty room quickly became a distinctive initiative of the Information Technology department, University Libraries, and GVSU itself. Transitioning from an empty room into an exciting space, the showcase is full of over 35+ emerging and innovative technologies that intersect with teaching and learning. Since being open, over 62,000 visitors (and counting) have experienced the mission of the showcase which is:

“To provide faculty, staff, and students with an immersive and engaging environment to:  interact, discover, learn, and share how innovative emerging technologies can enhance teaching and improve student learning at GVSU.”

Over 250 visits were tracked during the 3 hour 5 Year Celebration Open House and attendees experimented with emerging technologies, entered a prize drawing, and enjoyed snacks and conversations.

Here are a few highlights of the celebration!

  • Atomic Object Visit – Staff from Atomic Object, a software design and development company in Grand Rapids, visited the showcase.
Photo of staff from Atomic Object and eLearning and Emerging Technologies

Mike Marsiglia and Jeff Williams from Atomic Object are pictured with Eric Kunnen and Hunter Bridwell from eLearning and Emerging Technologies

  • Photos from Event – Visitors and guests enjoyed an open house full of emerging technology, prizes, #edtech conversations, and refreshments. Visitors could also view our birthday cake in augmented reality through the Microsoft HoloLens which was baked, 3D scanned, and placed into a hologram by our own and very skilled digital media developer, Hunter Bridwell!

A Technology Showcase thank you to all of the students, faculty, and staff
that celebrated our 5 year open house with us!

Photo of the room of the technology showcase with 3 banners hanging in the window saying technology, innovation, education.

Technology Showcase Celebrates 5 Years of Education, Technology, and Innovation @GVSU


The Atomic Object TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE is 5 YEARS old! Come to our 5 YEAR CELEBRATION OPEN HOUSE on Friday, September 14, 3 – 6 PM.

As part of the eLearning and Emerging Technologies department, the Atomic Object Technology Showcase has been focused at the intersection of education, technology and innovation. In celebration of 5 years of the showcase being open, we are hosting a 5 YEAR CELEBRATION OPEN HOUSE on Friday, September 14, from 3 to 6 PM.

Join us to remember the past – and to pioneer the future together…

WHAT – 5 Year Celebration Open House

WHEN – Friday, September 14 , 3 – 6 PM

WHERE – Atomic Object Technology Showcase @GVSU


