2020 – A Year in Review

The eLearning team has had quite a year!

Our mighty team of 15 staff are on mission to provide a wide array of services and resources designed to facilitate a cohesive and seamless digital learning experience for students at GVSU.

We strive to support faculty in delivering high-quality, high-impact, high-engagement innovative teaching. 

Here are just a few of the highlights that bubble to the top as we look in the rear view mirror of 2020:

  1. eLearning Expanded Team by 50%
    Through the support of the President and Provost, the eLearning team grew by 50% in staffing. The eLearning team collaborated to create a new position “Instructional Technology Project Specialist (ITPS)” to facilitate the upcoming work for the LEADS degree completion program, and growing needs within the adult learning portfolio.

    eLearning conducted a search and selected and selected 4 adjunct ITPS positions, promoted an internal “Digital Media Developer” to an Instructional Designer, and finally onboarded a new adjunct DMD. As of December, all of these adjunct positions were made permanent!
  2. Pivot to Remote Teaching
    In a huge sprint, the eLearning team trained over 800 faculty in 2 days on March 12 and 13.

    Further, since the pandemic, eLearning facilitated a wealth of faculty professional development opportunities, Foundations of Online and Hybrid Development and Design certifications, faculty learning communities, live seminars/webinars serving over 2,346 faculty reservations since March 1, drop-in consultations, and phone/email support for 1,800+ faculty.

    Further, through the prior and ongoing work of the eLearning team in establishing and promoting an effective technology stack for teaching and learning, GVSU was well positioned to switch to remote using Blackboard, Blackboard Collaborate, Blackboard Ally, Panopto, and Respondus Monitor.
  3. LEADS Degree Completion Implementation
    The eLearning team established a course development and design model, a project management process to track progress with Asana, and created 25 courses for GVSU’s new Degree Completion Program in the past year.
  4. Blackboard EAC Visual Data Deployment
    To support the assessment and outcomes work of GVSU Assess, as well as college needs for accreditation, eLearning facilitated the review, project management, and implementation of Blackboard EAC Visual Data.

    Bb EAC has resulted in student fees being eliminated as the use of LiveScribe and Chalk and Wire were not renewed. The following areas are now using Bb EAC: College of Education, School of Social Work, School of Public, Nonprofit, and Health Admin, and College of Engineering. Bb EAC leverages existing assessments, assignments, and rubrics which align to global institutional outcomes to save time and to provide deep analysis and reporting needs for accreditation purposes.
  5. Blackboard Ally 2019 Tour and Inclusive Education CLAS Accessibility Contest
    Noteworthy this year, was the eLearning’s team promotion of inclusive education First, the eLearning team facilitated a contest to promote the awareness of accessibility in a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Scholarship Competition. The winning department (Classics) was awarded a $1,000 student scholarship in their name.

    Additionally, GVSU was one of a select group of institutions that hosted a Blackboard Ally Tour, whereby, Blackboard accessibility experts came to campus to lead Universal Design for Learning workshops as well as connected with our Disability Support Resources office to share the impact Ally was having at GVSU.
  6. GVSU Hosted State-wide Educational Technology Organization of Michigan Conference
    Just over 1 year ago, the eLearning team facilitated a state-wide conference in collaboration with the ETOM board, on the theme of digital learning. The keynote was delivered by a GVSU faculty member on the topic of active learning.
  7. 18th Annual Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium
    Just over a year and a half ago, eLearning facilitated the largest ever Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium, including an appearance by President T Haas and with a keynote by Provost Cimitile. There were over 26 different presentations and “5 Technology Test Kitchen” demonstrations.

As we continue to partner with faculty and build the future together, we are looking forward to 2021!

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